The season is arriving

Go wild, no special posting order, but every member have to reply at least once, and when Colibri is speaking everyone(except Mew) is present.

I'll be waiting here to meet you

As far as she was aware of, that made them five in number, and they could actually make this place their own. Going from loner and into a pack this way puzzled the five year old, but seeing she was the oldest and most experience, she saw herself as the organizer. She and Cercelee. Ceres and Colibri, Colibri and Cercelee. Fate laughed at her, but she could not smile with it, because it was surreal and made bad memories drift to the surface without her permission. She could do nothing but greet this opportunity though, together with the other ashen female by her side. It could work or it would fail, and first after that would happen, Colibri would take action. It did not matter much to her, really. She was just helping a group of wolves receiving a sanctuary, a home. Hopefully not a broken one.

Rain had poured down, but was hesitating as Colibri picked that chosen moment and let a howl rise up into the sky, calling for those who she hoped still remained and awaited further action in the creating of the pack. The wolfess had not really expected this to happen, but the time was now and they would create something new out of the ashes. They had discussed both a name and a new rank hierarchy. Colibri, Susquehanna, Slay, Cercelee and another wolf. For some reason Colibri had not asked for the new wolf's name. It was something that had almost had attached to Cercelee's fur. Not quite a scent, but there was something she could not determine. She would know soon enough anyway, when they showed up.

They showed up, they all did, except for one. Perhaps the newest wolf had been a bit far away for time being, but she just went on, feeling a minor sting for starting without the last. She would probably show up, if not, then the group would continue waiting for another soul to join them. Colibri cleared her throat lightly, sitting on the wet ground, on the top of some boulders of a former stone fence that had eventually shattered a bit after all those years. In the distance the sea glittered, and the land still seemed celestial to her. A bit of everything. Cercelee was by her side, and the silver eyed wolfess threw a grateful glance in the younger female's direction, glad to have Cer by her side.

" Thank you all for the patience and for coming. Not much time has gone since we scarcely began to talk about the wish of forming a group, a home within these lands. There are enough of us now, We have decided to claim this land as our own. If you all are still interested, then so shall it be." She paused for a few seconds, looking for doubt or head shakes, any uncertainty or no agreement. " We will part with the common rank hierarchy and create a new one. Head rank will be Rosea and Rosen, playing the role as the leader, or alpha, if you'd wish. Second in command, Lillium, a subleader, which will be assisting the leader in all duties and step in when the Rosea is absent." Would Colibri disappear? Her mind did not hold an answer. " Third, Vitis. The Vitis will be assisting the leaders whenever needed, and should be a trusted member that everyone can lean on whenever necessary. Fourth is the Mai, going under the Vitis, sharing whatever shores which may rise. Fifth on the rank list, the Circèe, both the Circèe and all of the mentioned ranks above are free to accept new members as they arrive. Last two on the list is Bluet and Filix. Filix will be the rank given to any newcomer, and Bluet will be granted to those who actually decides to stick around longer than a few weeks. Papaver will be for the youth from birth to the age of nine months." That was all. The idea had struck the female as she had walked through the abandoned fields, discovering the floral life getting ready to shoot up and bloom for the world to see. The wild dahlia hybrids were plentiful. " Solum for the omega, lets hope it will remain empty.. " A little smile appeared on the female's alabaster lips, a rather sad one for some reason.

" These ranks generally speak of the member's status, unless you reach high up. We all have different abilities and interests, and it would be wrong to place you all into ranks with special jobs which you may not be fond of. Therefore we will give you additional ranks at the rank of Bluet, so that you can choose more freely what to do. The additional ranks are Hunter, Patrol, Herbalist, Musician and puppysitter, and still, if you want something else to do that fits better, talk with Cere.. Cercelee or me." She had tripped in the name. Hopefully Cercelee did not notice. She did not see any need for explaining the sub ranks, as their names easily stated the jobs all in all. " These lands shall be the home of the Dahlia de Mai pack, and we shall be open for every soul seeking a home." May they be wolf, coyote, whatever. The dahlia could have every color, even black.. She wrote sins, not tragedies, and hopefully it would stay that way.

" Cercelee and I shall take a shared spot of Rosea." Cercelee was young, but it was never too soon to prepare her.. for what might happen when the wind started calling for the grey eyed lady. " As a fresh start for everyone, you will be placed as Bluets." Eyes were searching for a fifth soul, but they failed. It would not ruin the white pair's plans however. " Thank you.. " She was not sure if it was the rest of the pack or Cercelee it was most directed to, but she was grateful for all of them being here. That was it, and she suddenly felt tired, apparently out of the blue. This was not what she had originally wished for, she feared for everything, also the responsibility that followed if this pack would live and breathe. She hoped this was good enough for them. It was time for smiling, but Colibri jumped down from the rock and began to pad slowly away, available for whatever questions or chit chat some of them may wanted to share, but clearly announcing her silent departure. She was tired, and there was something grasping her heart, making her feel dizzy. If there was some major explaining, Cercelee could might as well show what she was worth.

Dying to meet you


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