Mobile Posting
So I wasn't quite sure were to put this so I just put it here, Admins can feel free to move it if they see fit.

I used to do all my posting from the computer. But between the move and being without a computer for awhile and also without internet for said computer I learned a few tricks for mobile posting that I thought I would share. Now I'd say almost 80% of my posting is done from my phone even though I do have computer access back now.

Now, I have an Android phone, so Apple users would probably have to find a different app, but I like Note Everything.

I started using it before the move at work, and I kept most of my tables saved in notepad and just transfered the files to my phone as I gained new tables. Obviously this wasn't going work once I lost pc access for an unknown amount of time. So I uploaded all my table files to

Which made life even easier, cause Note Everything came out with an add-on, NE Gdocs. Which lets your NE sync to your google docs account, and presto I have access to all my tables, anywhere, without having to go into a table dump and trying to select just the table I want on my phone.

I've also started writing my posts in g-docs. It saves automatically every so often and if hubby ninjas the computer away from me mid post I can just open it up on the other computer (or my phone!) without worrying if I saved or not (or asking hubby to save it).

So yea, Im not good at awesome tutorial things, but I thought there might be something in there that someone might find useful.

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