[M] Murphy's Law
The Black monster drew his hips back ready to give the female really what she needed. He swore this time he would spare no mercy, she was going to learn a lesson about how to talk to a higher being, hell he was a god like figure and she talked to him like he was nothing more than an unwanted cockroach on the floor. She really needed to learn much more. He looked down at her, so weak so scared, he loved it! As the male rushed his hips forward knowing and waiting every long second to feel his body connect to her’s the male was not at all pleased to feel the wind knocked out of him.

Lucifer would kill whoever was stupid enough to get into his way; he wanted something and just about had it. Then someone came along, the golden blur and knocked him off, shooting pain flooded the male from around his chest, the golden ass was attacking him without even the rightful warning. His black arm reached down to his hip for his dagger, swinging and slashing away at where the golden asshole was. Lucifer could not wait to kill him. Then the pain from trying to move his other hand set in, he snarled as he swung his dagger towards the male while his teeth clicked together trying to drill his fangs into the golden male.

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