The Memory Remains
Saluce looked upon the young man with malcontent; his actions left a bad taste in his mouth. While Nayru had stepped up he had taken a few steps back, and he found himself disappointed in Saul. Saluce had taught him better than this, had taught him how to be a better man. But now he guessed he needed more to learn, Saluce had taken him as his son back then and his son he would be forever. In his defense he guessed he had no idea what had happened to him back during the blizzard. The behemoth didn’t remember Saul being around, Conor, Bris, Farore and Amata where the only ones that knew that his memory had been shot.

“Do you think it was easy on me? I lost all my memories of this place, I have a massive scar running across my forehead and I suffer from seizures to this day because of the trauma.” The grey behemoth chose to let that sink in for a bit as he turned his back on the reeling boy, he’d just stop thinking of him as a man for now and just a boy. Saluce spat at the ground in a figment of the bad taste he now held in his maw, no matter what rank that boy held he didn’t deserve the title. He re-mounted his horse with a grunt as he looked back down at Saul before speaking again.

“Stop crying, stop reeling in pain and be a man Saul. Life isn’t a merry little excursion with no pain or hurt in it. Even though I’ll never leave you and the rest of you again willingly, there will be a time when breathe ceases to fill my lungs, when my heart beats it’s last beat and you will be here to carry on. Change is the only constant in this world.” And that was that, he stood there for a few more moments, purposefully looking down on the boy. He had wanted to know how he was doing, wanted to know if he had found someone that sparked his heart, found a purpose in life and he wanted to know, but his mood had gone sour.

“I missed you Saul, you were a great pupil of mine,” he said in a softer tone finally, knowing at some point he couldn’t keep being a hardass with him in this fragile mental state he seemed to reside in. More patience he guessed was needed with him.

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