The Memory Remains
He didnt understand. The grey male didnt seem to have any comprehension about what was going on. And what was worse, he didnt seem to care. He didnt seem to care that he'd left them all here. Of course, the Stormbringer also didnt consider Saluce's side of the story. What if the male had no choice but to leave? The agouti male didnt think about that. He had rarely ever been a very selfish male- he'd lived most of his life to keep his siblings happy. But they were here anymore and Gideon seemed to have crumpled in on himself. Saul could remember the days on the beach, the race they'd had through the woods. And he hated the fact that his family was so broken. Did it have to be the same with Saluce? It appeared so. His harsh words echoed in Saul's ears, but the male was past the point of being resonable with the man. Green eyes narrowed and his lips peeled back to reveal long fangs. He wasnt in the mood to be talked down to by a deserter. Of course, it stopped when the grey male spoke of the hardship he'd gone through. Immediately Saul ran through in his mind all the plants that could help him with the seizures. It would have been easy to rattle them off, but he had no desire to help the man right now.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that on your own"

He bit back, bitterness marring his apology. He'd missed the grey male just a few minutes ago. And now he was here, he wanted nothing more than to move away from him. To go back to Siku and curl up there without worrying that he wasnt being 'manly' enough. Cinnamon backed ears tucked back at the male began to berate him for his feelings. Like vomit it seemed to come from the grey male and Saul couldnt help but think just how different they were in that moment. Despite the fact that he wasnt crying anymore, had there been no show of strength in Saul lashing out? He could have just sat on the floor and sobbed that his mentor was home. But he'd lashed out and attempted to hit the man, which was more 'manly' than what he could have done. The man was making no sense in that area, to Saul. The agouti male snorted when Saluce lectured him about death.

"Do you think I don't know about death Saluce? I watched my mother get mauled to death by my own family- I am fairly sure I understand that once you're gone, there isnt a thing you can do about it. Don't seek to lecture me on things that I have a fairly good grip on!"

He retorted, with another snarl. However, the males next words caught him off guard. Now well above him on his horse, perhaps another way to try and dominate him without actually touching him, Saluce admitted that he'd missed him. Saul wanted to snort once more, and shout at him that this whole display of feelings was because he'd missed him too. Surely Saluce should know that Saul wouldnt react in this way if he didnt care about the grey man? Surely Saluce understood that the only reason Saul was so angry was because he'd missed his almost-father. He wanted to shout again, wanted to hit the man for being such an idiot. But he remained silent as he dipped his head, ears flashing back and eyes searching the floor.

"You were the best mentor..."

He didnt need to say he missed him too, and Saul was fairly certain Saluce would see this as 'girl-talk' and therefore strictly forbidden. With those words however, the fight ebbed from the male, leaving him standing there, completely unsure whether his words would cause the male to kick off again.

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