Questions Galore!
She gave him a look of disbelief at him being a good boy. I doubt it. She said firmly. What's the worst thing you've ever done? She challenged him. About the book, she sensed that it was a book that she shouldn't ask about until she was older. Is it one of the 'you'll understand when you're older' things?

She brightened at being with J'adore. I like the sound of that. By then I'll be able to shift so I can ride like you. She gave him a serious face. But I want to be back soon after their born to see them.

She considered what he said, So I'll have no idea when it'll happen but I'll know if it does. What if I'm alone and something goes wrong? Can something go wrong? She asked more curious than worried but still slightly worried.

She was surprised that it was that easy. It's that easy? I don't hafta go through some ceremony? I just tell him? She was curious about something. Are you going to join the council like my mommy did?

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