Soften the brute

          Mild agony twisted over his grayed facade, and the Sidhe could feel the invisible vent of aggravation wafting from him. When he remained only speechless and staring, Alae's sky blue eyes merely stared right back, unmoving and in silence. Kael, who was perched upon her shoulder, also sat perched in silence and scrutinizing of his large, yellow eyes. Fortunately for the male's sake she was a patient soul rather than others who would have turned right around and left him in his frustration. Pointing down to the source of the blood, her eyesight was then able to detect where it originated from. Indeed, there was a clot beginning to form in order to curb the rush of blood from his wound.

          The grayed male then spoke, apologizing for having not hunted. It seemed there had been something of a hunger spell over Dahlia ever since Alae was accepted into the ranks, but there was a small grin to surpass her muzzle, and she shook her head gently to this. "No apologies for such. It's in every wolf's curiosity to be drawn to blood when it's present." Blood was just one of those things that drove any canine's instincts wild, and Alae couldn't resist her own. "Would you mind if I come on your porch to take a closer look? I have medicinal herbs on me." Alae asked, but would only make a move to do so only if he was comfortable enough with her. Judging by his frustration and tone, Alae didn't want to make a single move until he was ready for her to do so.


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