Soften the brute
Saluce rested his foot after she was finished, taking note of her question. The behemoth merely let a small smile creep across his lips for a moment, before stretching his arms above his head. The man was a warrior and would always be, and her take on him amused the beast in him. She was a beautiful wolf even if she didn’t fit his normal prototype of a she wolf. Nothing about her seemed to tip him off that she was even interested in anyone, she seemed just free flowing through life.

“I was Nayru’s teacher once, she learned her fighting skills under my watchful eye. Saul was learning the blacksmith trade but now he seems more interested in medicine.” That was a sour point to him, Saul had shown exceptional skills at the blacksmiths furnace and his understanding and thirst for knowledge had impressed him back then. Nayru had always been the model student and she had absorbed everything he had taught her and had even continued on after her training to master her own art.

But he didn’t understand what she had replied with as her profession, yoga? And smelly candles, what was that nonsense? But since he was in a rather welcoming mood now that she had pleasantly defused him he decided not to scoff at it but ask about it instead.

“So what is this yoga and aromatherapy?” who knew, maybe she would show him and if it served a purpose he might take it up.

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