Forgive me for I have sinned

lates :c

Anatoliy stumbled upon the man and suddenly his focus was on him. The last time he had spoken to this man, he had been raging, and angry at the lose of his sister. The scars on his face and body were because of Niro, though the Russo did not blame him for giving them out. He had deserved them, for attacking the man. Honestly, the dishonor was his own for attacked an injured wolf in a fit of rage. But it was Niro's fault that Liliya was now back home in Russia and gone from his life. One day he should write her a letter, but he was unsure how it would work; the delivery system in Europe ran on favors and trades, neither of which the Russo was able to do.

"Niro," he greeted calmly, amiably. Niro probably was concerned that he would again pick a fight, but the Russo had no such agenda in mind. Anatoliy's golden eyes shifted down to the man's legs, seeing a young boy there, hiding behind his father at the presence of such a tall man. Not surprising really. "Am I interrupting anyzhing here, Niro?" It looked like he was doing something with birds, but the Russian did not know for certain, especially as what appeared to be his son was helping him. "I vanted to apologize for so long ago. It vas not vise of me," he said, wondering if the man would forgive him for his transgression. "I just zhought zhat it vas better late zhen never." The boy kept drawing his eye, and the Russo had to address it. "Your son?"

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