Theres things inside me
Her hands instantly grabbed the leg and began tearing away at it with her maw. The hunger hadn’t really started until a few days ago, now the cravings where hitting her badly. The rabbit had been a snack this haunch had much more meat and she found herself slowing a bit to enjoy it. Her aunts words stung her ears, she was acting strange she knew this but it had been awhile since they had talked. It was teddy’s first time as well and maybe they needed her to explain everything to them.

“It’s his first time going through this Aunt Nani, I’m just ughhhhhhh scared a bit, and not sure he knows how hard this is going to be on me.” She sat up more this time feeling her stomach slowly starting to send the message that it was full. So far she hadn’t revealed who it was, but was it really that hard to figure out, his scent clung to her now. They have been sleeping in the same room together, where mates, and it hadn’t even came across her to tell her Aunt of their union together. Somehow she just figured she had known.

The goddess laid back rubbing her tummy, wondering how long it’d be before it was swollen up. Every sign she knew pointed to their coupling had worked and that his seed had taken to her. Hell she was even sure her scent seemed different, at first she had thought Teddy had been with another woman but her nose had picked it up on discarded clothing of hers.

“I just know Auntie, Teddy has been wonderful so far.” And her eyes looked to her aunt, wondering what kind of reaction she’d get. “We decided to become mates, I knew my bi-yearly visitor would show up this month so we just decided to try for puppies.” And that was really all there was to it, Teddy and her had been together for a bit now.

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