The abused can speak
omg i am so sorry i promise i will reply quicker in the future >< and also sorry for the fail post

Her head suddenly snapped up as she detected a scent foreign to her in the air. the wolfdog snuffled with her nose in the air trying to catch the direction it was coming from. From the scent she learned that its owner was female and quite young and not in the best of health. She was torn between investigating and simply leaving, she knew the choice was obvious to choose but she couldn't make herself turn around and leave and with a heavy sigh she began to walk quietly in the direction of the scent, moving through the forest as silently as a shadow did upon the trees.

After a shirt time the sounds of splashing came to her ears and she wondered who would be playing about in water with it being as cold as it was. She peered through the bushes and saw a browny looking female rolling about on her back in the manner of a pup at play. Jace wondered if now was the time for her to make some new friends like she was always telling Temo to do. Gathering herself up she moved through the bushes creating a soft rustling sound and came out into the open warily


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