This isn't home
Word count: 345

Tawny could smell Jace nearby, and hoped that the beautifully colored wolf would help her out a little bit since it was getting harder to walk. As she drew closer, the scent of a few others hit her nose and sent her reeling. Was she ready to meet new pack mates? Was she in good enough condition to greet them, knowing that they would most likely be put off by her appearance and lack of knowledge? It was hard to know, but despite her rapidly beating heart, she kept moving at a steady pace. There really was no reason to avoid the inevitable. Eventually she'd have to deal with letting others see her and socialize in some way, so why not start right now?

Breaking through the trees, the young woman's deep blue eyes took in the scene quickly. Jace looked really angry, making Tawny stop her movements and step backwards, not willing to get close to a pissed of female. Her new leader, the male that made her laugh, was rolled onto his back with his hands in the air, his head tilted as he looked at Jace. Lastly, another male stepped through the trees at about the same time she did, his expression seeming to mirror Jace's closely.

Shaking slightly, Tawny crouched into a rather submissive stance and hobbled closer to Jace and Razekiel, until she was almost touching the upside down male. The smell of something sharp and earthy came from his fur and she leaned in a little bit, sniffing the scent in and trying to identify it. Tilting her head to the side, she got closer still, pressing her nose to his shoulder and inhaling once more, totally forgetting that he might like his personal space. That was the problem with being alone for so long at such a young age, she forgot a lot of the rules that went with being around other canines.

Tawny huffed in frustration, pulling back and looking at Razekial's face in confusion, trying and failing to figure out what the scent on him was.

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