Ready For Summer Nights
Aslan was going to be leaving soon so he wanted to explore every little part of Inferni that there was. Today he would visit a place which Aylar had described to him as 'the greenhouse.' Honestly Aslan was expecting it to just be a house that was green. When he saw what it was he knew exactly what it was. The greenhouse was what he would call a 'sera.' At least in his first language. It didn't directly translate to what it was in english so he didn't really understand what it was.

He had been traveling in his Optime form a lot recently. It was better for him, he could do more things. As he walked into the greenhouse his breath was taken away. It was real damp inside there. They had had one on the boat but he had never been allowed inside. He walked around, exploring with in it. All the plants were lively and beautiful. He smiled as he continued to look around. Over a little ways he spotted a girl. He watched her tend to the plants and only made an effort to be noticed when she looked finished. "Hello. I am Aslan Kurtis. Son of Io and Aeron." He bit his tounge to keep more words from not coming out. Just recently he had met a woman named Jace where he had babbled on and on, telling her his whole life story. She had seemed annoyed and bored so now he made it a habit to just speak his title, and wait to see if they would ask any questions. Perhaps he would make more friends that way.

The lady in front of him didn't look too old. Maybe a little over a year? She was pure white, a color that Aslan adored. He personally liked any solid color. He found it interesting when wolves or any animal really were only one color. Like his mare, she was pure black, and the girl in front of him had nothing on her but white. He on the other hand had many different colors that painted his coat. He thought it was unique when people had but one color.

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