Ready For Summer Nights
XD, he has so many!! one dead and two alive... no fathers! XD

Aslan could see a slight look of confusment upon the female's face when he said 'one of his mother's' so he decided to explain. "My blood mother died upon arrival at Inferni. Io Berlin adopted me and she is mates to another woman, Aeron. So therefore I have two mothers." He grinned, he wasn't at all surprised that she was confused. He never exactly explained what he meant by that, but he did get some weird looks whenever he spoke like that. He smiled, so she had had horses. "Yes, I guess I am lucky. Aeron, I call her Guzel, took me to a trader where he gave us two horses, a goat and pistachios." He grinned, "Yummy." He giggled slightly.

Upon her answering his question he could tell that she didn't really feel like talking about where she was from so he didn't stress the topic. Instead he was awarded another question. "I don't think so. I like to cook, read and take care of things more than I like to fight. I mean, I have no problem sparring with another but I don't really like hurting people." He smiled, "What about you? What do you plan on doing later?" She would probably want to do something with these plants, considiring that she was caring for them now. Either way, he wanted to know some detail to what she really wanted to do.

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