Summer Storm
A floppy ear twitched as he laid his head down on her stomach, as she breathed in and out so did his head rise and fall as she looked at him through squinting eyes. She was content now for them to simply lay together, finished with her games and fun. It was nice to kick back and have a little juvenile time every now and again together, keeping the warmth and love in their relationship. This house he had found for them would do nicely, as far as she could tell it was solidly built, strong enough to survive several decades of standing alone, she herself with no great knowledge of building and of houses could spot a few problems with it and they could sort them out with time and effort.

But the sooner they got started then the sooner their house would be completely suitable for living in so she nudged him with a knee and shifted on the bed, pulling herself into a sitting position and leaning against the headboard,

"We can't rest for long, got things to do. Now what are we going to do with those box things that stink of rotten food? Where are we going to put them?"

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