the scent of abhorrence still lingers

I am the mastermind

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand,yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

Image by J; table code by the Mentors!

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You'll just have to believe in me

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand,yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

Image by J; table code by the Mentors!

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OOC: image by Nat

I curse your name, I curse the earth you travelled
With a heart so serrated it draws lacerations across the hands

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Freebie table 04 -- J

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at felis turpis, non tempus turpis. Vivamus tristique lacus eget diam interdum mollis. Donec metus turpis, pharetra tempus laoreet eu, rutrum vitae nisi. Praesent iaculis, mauris ut volutpat convallis, nisl libero pellentesque purus, ac tincidunt velit nisi vitae eros. Fusce a magna neque. Sed ut dignissim justo. Integer bibendum arcu vel sapien hendrerit in ultrices eros tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus aliquet quam nec libero lobortis ullamcorper. Ut id velit nec lorem vestibulum fermentum ut sit amet augue. Vivamus quis quam ut magna viverra blandit eget eget velit. Sed fermentum, justo at volutpat fringilla, nisl tellus accumsan massa, nec ullamcorper lectus lacus sit amet dolor. Curabitur enim sem, gravida eget mollis vitae, venenatis at est. Proin ac accumsan lacus. Sed imperdiet lectus eros, pretium elementum nibh.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc at felis turpis, non tempus turpis. Vivamus tristique lacus eget diam interdum mollis. Donec metus turpis, pharetra tempus laoreet eu, rutrum vitae nisi. Praesent iaculis, mauris ut volutpat convallis, nisl libero pellentesque purus, ac tincidunt velit nisi vitae eros. Fusce a magna neque. Sed ut dignissim justo. Integer bibendum arcu vel sapien hendrerit in ultrices eros tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus aliquet quam nec libero lobortis ullamcorper. Ut id velit nec lorem vestibulum fermentum ut sit amet augue. Vivamus quis quam ut magna viverra blandit eget eget velit. Sed fermentum, justo at volutpat fringilla, nisl tellus accumsan massa, nec ullamcorper lectus lacus sit amet dolor. Curabitur enim sem, gravida eget mollis vitae, venenatis at est. Proin ac accumsan lacus. Sed imperdiet lectus eros, pretium elementum nibh.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien. Duis commodo justo sit amet nisl varius tempor. Morbi condimentum leo ut ante rhoncus accumsan. Suspendisse ac ullamcorper turpis. Duis ornare consequat eleifend. Quisque euismod facilisis sapien,

Eget sagittis nunc auctor id. Aenean enim risus, accumsan et imperdiet id, vulputate in ante. Nunc mattis imperdiet sagittis. Pellentesque et vestibulum enim. Morbi semper, nunc eget laoreet congue, purus nisl aliquet purus, eget rhoncus ante nibh in augue.

In tristique orci ut tellus mattis at condimentum odio laoreet. In sit amet metus odio. Vestibulum enim felis, blandit hendrerit faucibus in, consectetur molestie urna. Vestibulum purus turpis, porttitor eget bibendum vitae, ultricies nec eros. Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Duis molestie nisi vel eros sodales sed tincidunt ipsum bibendum. Curabitur tristique rutrum ornare. Nullam dignissim tortor eu erat commodo semper. Cras dapibus, dui ac feugiat varius, magna sapien condimentum quam, in hendrerit mauris lectus non lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu. Duis quis lectus sed mi venenatis sodales.

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OOC: sorry for the wait luff.

When I see your face, my hearts burst into fire!
I'm coming home, I've been gone for far too long.

Bum bum bum bum goes the drumming of the beat that is your heart. The drum, it's a beautiful instrument, taking them out would be loosing a beat or a heart, and without a beating of a heart, it's hard to stay in tune, to not run all over the place while the drum is missing. The spirit of the music seems to lose itself, the soft singing of the guitar, the harp, oh how beautiful it is, the earthy air of the drum is what connects the sky to the earth, the earth with the sky, the stars able to crash down to the earth if it found the need to. Now here I am, sitting in control, the heartbeat is mine to control, and if I stop, then so does the life of the music. The earth disconnects from the sky, and the stars float in the air endlessly tonight. Without the sky, without the earth, we are nothing.

Bum bum bum bum goes the drumming of the beat that is your heart. The drum, it's a beautiful instrument, taking them out would be loosing a beat or a heart, and without a beating of a heart, it's hard to stay in tune, to not run all over the place while the drum is missing. The spirit of the music seems to lose itself, the soft singing of the guitar, the harp, oh how beautiful it is, the earthy air of the drum is what connects the sky to the earth, the earth with the sky, the stars able to crash down to the earth if it found the need to. Now here I am, sitting in control, the heartbeat is mine to control, and if I stop, then so does the life of the music. The earth disconnects from the sky, and the stars float in the air endlessly tonight. Without the sky, without the earth, we are nothing.

Bum bum bum bum goes the drumming of the beat that is your heart. The drum, it's a beautiful instrument, taking them out would be loosing a beat or a heart, and without a beating of a heart, it's hard to stay in tune, to not run all over the place while the drum is missing. The spirit of the music seems to lose itself, the soft singing of the guitar, the harp, oh how beautiful it is, the earthy air of the drum is what connects the sky to the earth, the earth with the sky, the stars able to crash down to the earth if it found the need to. Now here I am, sitting in control, the heartbeat is mine to control, and if I stop, then so does the life of the music. The earth disconnects from the sky, and the stars float in the air endlessly tonight. Without the sky, without the earth, we are nothing.

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Image © Requiem!

OOC sup bitches? / +yo numbah!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit eleifend placerat. In metus felis, auctor id lacinia non, consequat ac justo. Ut nec lacus mi. Sed bibendum laoreet nibh, sit amet ullamcorper nibh hendrerit a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum condimentum tempor malesuada. Nam nibh magna, tempor in ornare elementum, eleifend a sem. Vivamus eget fringilla sapien.

Aenean ultricies cursus ipsum, vel adipiscing magna dapibus quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed lectus sapien, tincidunt feugiat sagittis vitae, commodo quis est. Mauris tincidunt bibendum arcu, a ultrices justo hendrerit eu. Duis quis lectus sed mi venenatis sodales.

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.esmebabe p b:before { content: open-quote; }
.esmebabe p b:after {content: close-quote; }


OOC goes here.

Word Count → 000

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

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OOC herpderp? / +yo numbah!

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

You forgot to tell me how much you love me before you left me to rot inside my mind. Why can't we just say things that we both want to say without silence between us two, or mixed signals that attach me to you like glue? We fully understand, yet completely misunderstand each other, and we expect to have the world under our feet, bowing in front of us and letting us take it over just like that. You know, I like this world where we rule all, because in the end, it's just you and me at the top of the world, nobody else. In the end, we will win, and let's keep it that way, without the lack of communication that we tend to fall prey to at times.

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.esmeme1 p b:before { content: open-quote; }
.esmeme1 p b:after {content: close-quote; }


Word Count → 0 :: Rawrrr

There is a hell, believe me I've seen it,
there is a heaven let's keep it a secret

Bum bum bum bum goes the drumming of the beat that is your heart. The drum, it's a beautiful instrument, taking them out would be loosing a beat or a heart, and without a beating of a heart, it's hard to stay in tune, to not run all over the place while the drum is missing. The spirit of the music seems to lose itself, the soft singing of the guitar, the harp, oh how beautiful it is, the earthy air of the drum is what connects the sky to the earth, the earth with the sky, the stars able to crash down to the earth if it found the need to. Now here I am, sitting in control, the heartbeat is mine to control, and if I stop, then so does the life of the music. The earth disconnects from the sky, and the stars float in the air endlessly tonight. Without the sky, without the earth, we are nothing.

Bum bum bum bum goes the drumming of the beat that is your heart. The drum, it's a beautiful instrument, taking them out would be loosing a beat or a heart, and without a beating of a heart, it's hard to stay in tune, to not run all over the place while the drum is missing. The spirit of the music seems to lose itself, the soft singing of the guitar, the harp, oh how beautiful it is, the earthy air of the drum is what connects the sky to the earth, the earth with the sky, the stars able to crash down to the earth if it found the need to. Now here I am, sitting in control, the heartbeat is mine to control, and if I stop, then so does the life of the music. The earth disconnects from the sky, and the stars float in the air endlessly tonight. Without the sky, without the earth, we are nothing.

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image © Alaine!


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