M-Just let by gones be by gones
Things had been all over the place in his life; his mate ship to the white one, moving rooms, working within his role as a warrior, there was never a dull moment or a time where he found he had nothing to do.. until that morning. He could have walked down to one of Anathemas many clearings and practiced with one of his weapons but the make-shift sofa was too comfortable and he found himself unable to get off of it and soon had fallen into a light sleep.

A soft female voice reached his ears as he lay upon his sofa of pelts. Shifting around slowly, he propped himself up onto his elbows and peered towards his room’s entrance. Seconds passed and then the small devil’s form appeared, in all it’s seemingly harmless and fragile feminine beauty. Lifting an eyebrow, he shot the woman a somewhat surprised look which twisted to suspicion as he noted the pile of jeans in the others hands; the Marbas went through clothes like no tomorrow, wearing them down in training and general use and if it weren’t him destroying them it was Beyaz.

“Demi, well. This is an unexpected visit?” he dipped his head to show he it was fine to enter. Carefully and with the odd melodramatic groan, he rose to a seated position; back resting against the uneven cave wall behind his sofa. “I’m all yours. What you need me to do?” he asked, unsure of what pain he would have to suffer through in the name of a ‘check up’, but knowing the female he wasn’t going to like this one bit…

Then he remembered what the Corson had been put through as of late and his look of suspicion turned to that of sympathy and he relaxed into the sofa. He knew that they were neither each others favourite canine and so he would not comment on the female’s pain nor ask if she was okay; instead, he’d act somewhat more civil than he normally would.

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