[M] Lights of Love

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Amaranth smiled looking at her man her lover her world. She moved to him as he moved to her and fell into his loving embrace. She knew he would come back but maybe it was her inner insecurity that would always make her question.

I know you will always return. she said. Looking up at him she smiled. She never asked what the things he was doing were. though she never really cared to know she was just happy that he would come home and spend time with her. i'm glad you came home to spend some time with me. He love his touch and kiss sent shivers up her spine and made her melt.

Looking around there home she smiled. she had not done much cleaning, bit the place wasn't dark like she'd kept it. It was lit by candles. Looking at him she just almost had no words. Thank you, Niro its so nice of you. she smiled. She just was in awe. She would never ask for things like this and she was just so happy to be with him.

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