Will you tell me what you want?

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

Io said nothing more about the cave, it did not matter as much as some of the otherthings floating around in her mind. She crossed her arms, sighing heavily. 'They made their choice, to abandon everything I gave them. I did not have to take in Aslan... I could have left him there to starve... And I did not have to care for Sarajevo when Iven left. I could have left him alone to die...' So many horrid thoughts filled here mind, but this was just her defence. She closed her eyes, falling silent after her rant.

But as Aeron spoke, she let out a soft laugh. 'If you wish'. Aeron was the only real good thing in her life right now. 'I think I will, make a roast. Raw or well done?' She prefered raw, but which ever Aeron chose she would eat it without complaint. Again food was just some trivial matter, Io had tried to convince herself so as long as she lived, but it was truly the only activity that brought a smile to her face that didn't include another person. Her mind flashed back to her visit to AniWaya, and that Leon man. She would have like to see him again. Maybe she would go visit. 'Sometimes I hate that it is just myself and you. I seems to quiet...'

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