Will you tell me what you want?

Word Count → :: Aeron now feels like an ass not quite what she meant to do. Tell me if this PP is outta line

Sorry if I disappointed you
Sorry if I hurt you

Aeron watched Io as she seated herself then fiddled with the brace that Aeron had given her. Aeron had once watched her mate back home fiddle with it. Only back home those who were mated were bound to their mates no one else. She sighed as Io slipped it back on nothing she said was meant to hurt Io. and the devastation must have been written on her face.

Io wait please hold on." Aeron stood up a moment watching Io run away. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. She wasn't supposed to lose everything that she loved. finally she gained her sense and ran after Io. Her mind on what she had caused.

Maybe it was the fact that she was in a collapsed heap on the floor that made her heart break more or the fact that the women who always seemed so strong was crying. Aeron slid to the floor as she placed a hand on Io. Her fur so soft, her body so elegant.

"My love please do not cry." Aeron said as she pulled the distraught women into her lap. Golden eyes cast on the women as she tried to get her to look at her. "This is not what I meant This is not what I wanted. I love you, I want to care for you." She stopped trying to force herself not to cry. "Damn it Io I lost everything once I wont lose you." she snapped as she started to cry. I just don't get what I am to you. What do I give you what do I do for you that makes you want to keep me! She felt like a lesser being then the men she toyed with only because they got her attention and Aeron had to fight for it it seemed like.

Aeron walks Aeron talks Aeron thinks

Sorry for everything
Sorry, I’m so sorry
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