Rain down, rain down on me
meant to post last night... then there was an awesome lifetime movie on... 3+

Rest, and stay safe. That is what needs to be done now. She spoke to the white pelted wolf as they walked through her homeland, Anu hardly paying attention to the landscape she knew so well. It was second nature for her now, the bumps and nooks of the paths that had been worn by game and predictor alike. It was not long before they neared the windmill, the faint scent of the dead wood touching her nose.

She was glad to know that Nayati's mate had been treated, and that they had brought a healer with them. Anu did not understand the rankings of the tribe, nor the titles that they were given and so ruthlessly stripped. She would have asked what the woman meant when she said was, but another time. Perhaps when thoughts could be more casual and less serious. She nodded, grateful for the offer though she knew that it was this family that needed Sunki the most. The pups were restless, and the mother knew that they needed shelter and much needed rest and warmth.

The windmill stood over head in the clearing that broke the monotony of trees and shrubs. She looked at the weary wolves beside her and wished that she had something place better for them. But there was no better hiding place in truth. To keep them out of sight for now would be their best defense. I am eager to speak with my alphess and explain what has occurred in AniWaya. Small prey is common here, we have been blessed with an abundance of hare this season. She spoke, looking at the master hunter at the last words. Once things have calmed perhaps we can find something more comfortable. But I think this is best for now. Anu watched then, waiting for the moment where she could slip back into the night and speak with Savina.


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