No, I ain't gonna comb my hair


The child was hurt that her father had scolded her for standing up to her-self. With a gasp she looked up at her father open mouthed. What had she done to warrant his harsh tone and harsh words? With a look of confusion she looked up to her father with her mouth hanging wide open. ”But Daddy, he IS a stupid air head boy!” The Moonsong child couldn’t help it, she didn’t understand why she was being told to be nice, when she was being nothing but truthful, maybe it was on the line of brutal but still it was honest about the boy.

Granted her father stood over her and she was still tucked behide his feet with only her head poking out from behide him. ”Make up with him? No way!” The child stomped her feet as she tossed her head up in the air shaking it. She could not and would not ever make up with someone with the likes of him! He was mean to her and all he would have had to say to her was excuses me or sorry, but no. He was mean and rude, something he should have known better about.

The words that came from the boy mouth made the child raise her lips around her fangs, snarling at him. There was something about him that she just did not like. He was quite rude. ”I didn’t start it!!!” She protested. How was this all turning out to be something that she started, yes he was older and bigger but she was still in the right here with this fight, and she knew it!

She watched the boy turn his back on her father, if her jaw could have hit to floor it would have. The child didn’t have the well refined manners but she knew not to turn her back on her father, she knew that was asking for a nip on her rump.


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