Randomly decided there should be horses - good plan?

She did recognise him, but he cast his eyes down, not looking. Finally, the ropes were undone, and his hands somehow managed to shake more. He stood a moment, nervous, clutching his hands together for what seemed like an eternity. God, the nervousness. Gvihita was nowhere to be seen - he hadn't seen her anywhere lately. She'd abandoned him, it seemed. He knew he was not worthy anyway. The doubts welled up in him - he was so wrong in doing this! But was he? Finally, Ralla entered the cabin to interrupt his thoughts, and she glanced around before stating that the coast was clear. Dawali felt bad for the other prisoners that he could not release them too, and for Anu - she looked dreadful. Hopefully, she was not so weak that she could not make it out.

While the cabin was a ways off from the Village, Anu would have to either go round the cluster of huts or through it, to get home. Round it was the better choice, but she could easily be seen by the many patrols she'd have to pass. He stepped gingerly over the sleeping Armis and tip-toed into the bushes near the cabin, twitching as if each branch breaking was his own spine. Finally, he lifted his hand and sought Anu's and Ralla's, to point with them to the horses that stood hidden there. He had not decided if he was coming, too, not yet. "You have to go around. They know the way, and they're well rested." he said quietly, as if Armis could wake at the slightest of disturbances. He looked at Ralla for a moment, curious as to whether or not she would go too. After all, Armis had seen her give him that food. She risked death, as did he, but she risked exposure more than he.

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