In the shadow of your heart

+3. I swear I'm gonna read this darn book someday.

Affection turned the young woman into a mere child again, a bubbling giggle escaping her lips when the knight displayed his feelings. It was clear that he was different, somehow, though when her eyes rested among deep emeralds, the woman knew it was him all the same. Ivory dipped ear swiveled as she caught the lilting word of Italian, his other language, a sweeter sound than when 'Elle heard him speak it to that savage. The sound was pleasant, the company was warm, and fears seemed to melt away with the sun.

But words had a way of escaping the pair, and here and there Tux would move to his caretaker's lap and peered over into the book, wondering what was oh so interesting. Now and then, Giselle's brows would touch, as she tried to make sense of the story altogether. It was different, but it wasn't unpleasant, either. The language was one she could understand, but formed delicately, like an elegant string of pearls.

Her hands moved away from his arm as he stretched, wondering how long they had been sitting there. Giselle gazed out the open window for a moment, then slowly turned back to the knight with a happy glimmer in her powder hued eyes. "Oh, no, it's wonderful~" A naturally gloved hand found its way to his shoulder, resting it there comfortingly. If anything, the story was even more spectacular when it was his voice narrating the old tale. "I would like to hear more, but.. will you teach me some words in your language? It's very lovely." An unbidden flush powdered her snow white cheeks, biting her lip as if she were afraid to ask. The tongue was beautiful, and a part of her wanted to learn to be able to impress the knight, unaware that the feeling was mutual.

image © alecperkins @ flickr ; table by lin
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