But this is not justice

Sky's only post in this one. :3 She's being all dramatic.

Word Count → 000

>The heavy scent of rain, fear and anticipation blanketed over the entire village, probably the entire territory. The guardians had been divided and they were on high alert. She knew it was time.

>Sky sat on the bed beside Ephy, her eyes gleaming dangerously in the dimly lit cabin. She pointedly stared at one of the guardians there, a man that had often been the one in charge of keeping them inside at night. She grinned the entire time, Cheshire-like and dangerous.

>"What are you looking at, you dirty mutt?" The guardian sneered, obviously uncomfortable under her solid, almost unblinking stare. "Got something to say?"

>They're gonna kill you. She stated simply. The guardian winced, visably bothered by how easily she'd said it. They're gonna kill you, kill your brothers... but not before they slaughter your big daddy Maska. She tilted her head, short hair falling over her face slightly.

>"Shut the fuck up, bitch." He growled, shifting as if to strike her. She didn't even flinch.

>Maska should never have caused this war. Now he and his little followers are going to die in a battle to end it. You're outnumbered. Outmatched. What they all lack in training, they make up for in courage and passion.

>He snarled back at her, obviously getting tired of her speech. "It won't help them, little bitch. Numbers don't matter. We'll squash them like bugs." She grinned wickedly then, making him falter in his words. "W-what makes you think they'll win?"

>They've got nothing to lose.

Image courtesy of Dottie Mae@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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