cluas chaoin

She was too old for her own romantic escapades, she thought when the idea came to her. Anu had had her moments, she had those happy times and the ones that made her heart feel as if it would rip right in two. She was too old, and time had taken its toll. She needed to be content spending her time in simple ways. The questions that the young pondered for hours and hours were no longer things she needed to wonder. She pushed the want and need to love in her own life aside. Such a chapter was finished in her life. Painful dramatics played out so that maybe she could help other's like Silvano as they trudged through the turmoil and then watch as they frolicked through the understanding....

He laid out his concerns, and as Anu suspected they were honest ones that any disheartened and innocent creature would have. At times it seems safer to keep our feelings hidden, yes. She gave as an answer to his question. If you think she is a genuine woman, then it is likely that she is just as confused as you are about her signals. Have you ever tried to be closer to her, but then retracted fearing that you may have seemed to forward. It is an innocent mistake, and as hard as she is to understand... It is likely she wonders the same things about you.

It was like a game, one trying to read deeper into the actions of the other in the hopes of predicting the next move. It could be a fun adventure, or it could take a stressful toll on ones heart.


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