Play me your favorite song

She seemed pleased enough.Of course, she did not as of yet know of the dangerous times that were seeping into the lands, turning the world in gray and crimson. Ears perked contently as she agreed vocally and dismissed herself from him. At her age he had been placed at the omega rank in his own birth pack. How riddiculus hierarchies were, though they were always so necessary. Humans and wolves alike, they were all pathetic either searching for someone to look up at or crush under their feet, depending on the type of character. They were all quite useless in the end. All of them.

Run, run, little girl. He gave her a short nod and turned away, wondering if she actually would report back or not. She was not very needed just yet, but the time where she had to stealth for her own safety would come soon enough. Eat or get eaten, nature always got her will in the end, through her own small minions.


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