This fire burns me
LOL Maybe not or it would screw with the timeline I have XD WE CAN HAZ SEXY THREADZ LATER

She laughed at he cracks of his joints and at his words, out of the two of them really it should be her that suffered from poor joints, she had spent a lot of her life on her hands and knees. Although she didn't know everything that had happened with Giuseppe. Thoughts of the brown man made her heart clench painfully so she immediately stopped thinking about him, that was Gemma's version of dealing with it, to just not think about it at all. Instead she focused on where they were going which was rather pointless as they didn't have a destination and then onto what he was saying about the stars. The stars had been her only friends for a long time,

"I used to watch the stars a lot when I was.. contained. They were always happy to see me, shining and stuff." She didn't know that they had names though and she wondered who had named them. Maybe the humans? In which case how did Matteo know them? Maybe he could read or his parents had taught them to him or something. He hooked a hand around her shoulders and told her he loved her again, every time he said it only seemed to bang home the fact that she couldn't.. could she? No. She couldn't.

She could hear the underlying tones in his voice, felt herself shiver even though the night wasn't cold but suddenly she didn't want to do that with him, not now at least. Fear welled up again and she miserably wondered what was wrong with herself. Why did he stay with her when there was so many things not right with her. With a frown on her face she turned and blurted out the first thing that came into her head,

"I'm damaged. You have to know this already. There are things wrong with me. I don't act like a normal person would."

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