Magicians and Fools

Word Count :: 3+ Ahh sorry! Is there not a darker streak on the very top then? I will edit :3

The room was certainly not luxuriantly furnished, but Caspa with her monk's aesthetic had even less to her name. Her room didn't even have a bed, or a blanket. The walls were white, and the window empty of glass. Terra's was simple and serviceable, but far more comfortable too. She moved around it slowly, wondering at the strength of the musk that was present. The coywolf had said she was a newcomer, but her scent was as powerful as if the girl was present herself. Stepping very lightly on her long limbs, Caspa nosed the torn-down curtains, then the mattress - very soft - jumped onto it, moved to the window and peered out at the darkening sky - and then looked at the door, considering that perhaps Terra hadn't followed her, perhaps she was still waiting out there for Caspa to come back and declare the search over. She must have the patience of a saint, if that was so. Caspa supposed she'd better go and see. She hopped off the mattress, landing near the closet, and something made her move over to it. What did a wolf like Terra keep in her closet? It looked like a pile of furs, but must be her clothes - the air smelled much like Terra was standing right in front of her. Suspicious, she squinted and thought she caught the slightest of movements. Oh, so that was how it was. She had been taken for a fool indeed. She was tempted to bestow praise upon the fire-wolf for her final trick, but considered there was at least a little dignity left to salvage. "Huh," she murmured aloud. "Terra does not keep her room in the best of order, it seems. I will just tidy up a little." She turned and grasped one of the ripped curtains in her teeth, then with an almighty swing threw it at the innards of the closet towards what she was almost certain was Terra herself.

Image courtesy of ®DS @ flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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