friend in need
OOC: End? Start a new thread with them exploring the territory we were looking at or something? It can be after they've met a lot of the people, Isk and Deuce.. Maybe even make it AW so others could join them and learn more if they wanted too.

Iskata grinned back and confirmed Deuce's words. "No one wouldn't, though others may become jeaous and envious of what we have." twinkling sun shot eyes were dancing as she laughed, everything forgotten except the fact that they were going to make their dreams come true. Now all they needed to do was work this all out and make it happen.

Getting up and leaning at the windowsill she smilled and spoke softly, "You know, it's work now play later though..and we've got a lot of work to do..." She couldn't believe they were actually going to try this, that they were going to make something out of nothing and make it all their own, nuture it and in the end it would blossom into everything they'd ever wanted.

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