Hot and Cold
Amy shook her fur as she climbed out of the water. It had been a while since she'd taken a break from work. It was difficult never knowing when the slave would try and make a break for it, but the girl had been thoroughly tied up this time, letting her relax. She climbed farther up the shore, leaving herself in lupine form. Amy preferred her optime form, but this time she just let the beauty of her lupine side shine through. Her creamy coat glistened in the light, a slight curl of hair coming off her tail. Her steps were confident as they moved across. Her eyes claimed her master of everything she saw. In every way possible Amy was beautiful, even if it was a cold beauty that froze people's hearts.

For once she was in no hurry for anything. The sun was just beginning to set, but Amy didn't want to rush back to her responsibilities just yet. She'd gotten what she'd wanted when she came to America, removing the hours of boredom and waste. There was very little time for relaxing now, keeping the girl in top condition. Sleek muscles could be seen under her pelt, rolling smoothly as she strode through the woods. Amy detoured from the wagon, instead choosing to rest on a ledge she came across. She could see the appeal of this wild lifestyle, leaving behind the glamor and worry of living in optime. In this breath of wilderness, her heartbeat cut strong and true, a reminder of where her ancestors had come from.

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