Come home.
lol Gemma is so strange XD and this post =failure

She had been right, his face was a picture and she did laugh at it, unconcerned by the sight of the horse cantering off a short way. When had he gotten a horse? Delighted giggles came from her mouth as he breathed her name and shoved his cold nose against her neck. He swore in Italian, of course she had picked up some of the language, and picked her up and swung her about making her feel like the princess she claimed to be sometimes, Princess Gemma Sawtooth. Lingua! She chastised him in his own language, finding humor in the situation.

She shrugged at his questions, "I've been around and about. Hiding mainly from that awful girl. I was outside of AniWaya when this girl came up and asked if I would help her look for her little sister. So of course I said yes and I followed her. After a way I didn't know where I was and she suddenly turned on me and started shouting and calling me by someone else's name, Yashana i think. And then she chased me! And I didn't know where I was or which way I was going. It was horrible. She was quick to fall back into the damsel in distress mode that she was so comfortable with, a small twinge of despair even creeping it's way into her voice as she told her lie with the splendor of an actor on Broadway. She pulled him tight as though traumatized by everything. "I've been trying to find my way back for the last few days, a kind man from a nearby pack pointed me in the right direction. But i'm so glad I found you again." A few crocodile tears fell from her eyes and her shoulders jerked with a supposedly hysterical sob, the silly woman being her normal self.

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