A Long Trek

Their rustic pack was doing well despite losing a member, Deuce. Naniko had known for a while that the female would be leaving...she'd spoken with Conri about it and had given her final approval for Deuce's banishment. She had trusted Deuce with a lot...with the lives of her nephews when Dierdre had passed away. But maybe she'd had too high of expectations back then. These were hard times, even for a pack wolf, with the war going on, and one little mistake could mean the entire pack's safety. Someone who was not willing to put the pack first, before themselves, did not deserve to be living in the lands.

The snow-colored wolfess sat at the borderline, looking out in the direction of Inferni. What could she do to help? She couldn't mend what Deuce had done...but she could tell their leader that Deuce was no longer a part of their pack. Naniko wanted everything to be all right, for each member to feel safe in Twilight Vale.

There was a strange scent on the breeze, one that drifted toward the girl's nose after a few moments. She was immediately on alert, rising from the ground in a cloud of dust and dirt. She started toward it, frowning as she came closer and closer. A coyote? They smelled very different from any wolf she'd ever met. Naniko cleared the last hill and she could see things with more clarity. Not a coyote after all, but a wolf--a dark one.

For a moment she thought of her father--he looked much the same as this wolf--but the memory passed quickly. She approached with mild caution, her tail giving a tentative twitch. "You don't look so good" Her healer's tongue was first to speak before her mind took over. "You've reached Twilight Vale. Do you need some help? We're not on good terms with one of the clans to the north...but even if you're from there I wouldn't mind taking a look. Your foot looks a bit swollen." A bit was definitely an understatement.

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