Into the Woods (X'yrin, Jace, AW)

Their talk of children and mothering instincts over Jace and X'yrin had decided to talk a walk to clear their heads and better get to know one another. The leaders of the Envoy and Elements class would be working together now and in the future, a good foundation in their relationship would be a necessary thing for it to endure and last through stress and strain without cracking and snapping. Jace's young boy Honrin galloped at their feet for a short while until he grew too tired to carry on and instead the mother picked him up and tucked him into one arm while he dozed with his head against her bicep, content with the rocking motion of her gait.

After the deepness of their previous conversation their talk was general and of nothing of consequence really, small things about what could be improved and the like. How the two classes could aid one another. Their walk took them far and wide and covered many miles, eventually pouring over into hours of company spent together and at the end of it the two women were fast on the way to becoming firm friends, bound together first by their shared experience of saving a life and then by Jace's assistance to X'yrin in matters most dire and important, when it came to children's welfare there was nothing that Jace would not do, she knew she would kill a man as soon as look at him if it meant the safety of her children, or indeed anyone's children.

It was with some surprise that Jace finally regonised a scent trail that crossed their paths. Instantly an image came to her mind of a respectful woman of brown tones and blue eyes. Her own orbs searched as she stopped in her walking, to see in the distance the four legged woman now on two looking up at the huge beast-like trees that dominated the Phoenix Forest. Surely the girl did not intend to cut down these giants somehow? She was relieved however when instead she bent and began to pick up twigs and branches from the ground. It was at this point that Honrin, revitalized from his nap sought to free himself of her arms. she let him down as he wished and the child sniffed interestedly at the ground around him, new smells and sights for him to explore.

"Indria!" Her voice echoed into the forest, it seemed they had stumbled upon her attempt to complete her initiation task.

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