and why?
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Leon had been scuffing the ground frustratedly with a dark gray foot when his ears caught the sound of someone coming. It was easy to spot the wolfdog, as she was a bright blonde color and had long, fluffy fur. She was some sort of.. golden retriever mix, he guessed, but he didn't know much about dog breeds. She was a cutie, though, he knew that for sure. He slid his large dagger back into its sheath at his waist before eying her with a somewhat annoyed expression in those silver eyes. "No." How young did people think he was? He was ten months old, almost a yearling. Surely he didn't look like a damn baby, did he?

"I'm an adult, y'know." He looked at her incredulously, glancing past her in the direction his meal ran off in. He was severely disappointed about that... he needed to find Trigger something to eat before he went back, damnit. "Why d'y'ask? Pedos 'round 'er somethin'?" He could handle a pedo if that were the case, but the thought made him incredibly uncomfortable sense he'd left Trigger in a hidden den all by himself.... the boy was just too sweet and innocent to fend for himself against someone gross like that.

He was so charming. And social. He'd rarely met up with anyone on the journey here, so he wasn't exactly the best in making polite conversation.. but as a female, he was being more respectful to her than she'd probably ever know. His stomach growled as he shifted weight from one leg to the other.

Leon speaks

Trigger Speaks


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