Thick as Thieves

OOC: Smile / WC: 405

She had parted from her daily routine of exploring the Sugarwoods, and now the she wolf found herself wondering close to a large body of water. It was rare for her to leave the denseness of the forest, but today some how was different. She strolled idle close to the water as a hawk soared high above her head. The she wolf gazed up, smiled warmly at the bird and then returned her gaze to the path before her. She walked for a while; bow strapped to her back, and blade hilted against her hip the lone young Luperci moved forward until boredom and lack of action occurred. The she wolf sighed as she halted and hoisted the bow from her back to place it gently upon the ground. She knelt down and fiddled with the said object until a high pitch squawk caressed the sky and caused her ears to twitch and perk in awareness.

Grey orbs shot up to the sky where the red-tailed hawk soared and circled, and then flew swiftly back to where the young Luperci was hidden behind some high rocks. The hawk landed and perched itself before her. The wolf woman tilted her head at the creature and in response the bird lifted its feathers, squawked, and then flapped its wings heavily before bobbing its head toward a certain direction. The she wolf slowly made her way around the rock, peeked over its side, and glimpsed another resting before the water. The she wolf studied the other until her gaze settled upon a shiny blade. Uncontrolled by the wolf, her tail began to thump at the ground in excitement toward the sight of the dagger.

Quickly the wolf turned her wild gaze toward the bird, lifted a clawed finger up to her muzzle and hushed the bird. With a swift hand motion she asked the winged one to stay put, watch over her gear and wait for her return. With that told the she wolf slowly began to creep toward her target, a female Luperci.

Deirdre was new to theft, but as she had been successful so far in it, the young Luperci assumed that the goal she had set her gaze upon would be up for easy grabs. So as she crept closer to the other female her left hand slowly reached out in front of her in hopes to grab the dagger her gaze was set upon.

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