Thick as Thieves

OOC: / WC: 295

The she wolf’s ears were held back as she listened to the other female’s voice. Soon an unexplained annoyance rose within the pit of her stomach, and the she wolf spoke up spiting out her words like acid. “Fool,” She stated calmly with a tone of harshness. Her smoky gaze lifted up to the trees, a cold glance seeped between her lids as she studied the branches above her. She was aware that the thief was not in her sights, but the female knew the other hid amongst the branches that blocked the sky. “Do I speak to the daft?” She snarled the question as her clear gaze curved from the branches above her. She stared a head of her; her gaze lingered upon the rough barks of the trees that had surrounded her. “You do not hear my words do you?”

Her gaze was hidden behind heavy lids, her voice rose to catch upon the gentle wind that thought it the time to grace the area with its soft kiss. The she wolf spoke, her annoyance rumbled within her throat as she spoke. “I do not participate in thievery for the fun of it.” She snapped, “I do it when it is needed, a talent that I am willing to learn more about and expand,” Her gaze peeked behind heavy lids that blocked it from the world. “I do what I must to survive.” Her voice spoke out calmly as her gaze graced the sky, she then lowered her glance and her smoky orbs graced the ground beneath her paws as her voice rose once more to catch the wind that blew around her form. “I do what I must to survive…” She repeated as her tone drifted into that of an agonized melody.

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