The meaning of trade

OOC: Smile sorry for the lateness./ WC: 462

Deirdre smirked as she glided smoothly toward Amy’s goods, as she moved she spoke calmly. “Before I trade my service for anything,” she began eyeing the female dog. “We need to set up a contract.”

She was not a fool, the she wolf had thought through on her idea of willingly offering her service in trade. It was an idea she had come up with when she made it her life’s goal to start a pack, though if her goal was to come to be gained was a whole other topic. The she wolf had thought up an idea of offering services to others in trade for object that would benefit her or those that would come to rely on her. It was an idea that revolved around designing contracts that made sure neither party would get the short end of the deal.

The she wolf spun around to face the dog, “The items I need or can find out of your goods, will play a big part on what my service can and will be. The contract will keep me safe from abuse and misuse and you from losing any profit from my limited time in your service.” The she wolf smiled, “what I need is very small at the moment.” She began taking her gaze to focus on Amy’s gear, “I need a bag, leather preferably, that I can hang around my waist and carry books and other object that I may find to come to some use to me. The second item is a…well, set. I’m looking for a mortar, which is a bowl really, made out of either wood, marble, pottery, or stone. I would prefer wood or stone.” She grinned, “and then I need the pestle that goes with the mortar, this is a tool shaped kind of…” She used her clawed hands to help her explain the image of the item she was looking for, “shaped kind of like a stick, but has a more thick and oval end. It’s used to grind herbs and other things inside the mortar.”

She sighed, “I could also use what ever Herbs you may have in stock and a few vials, and capsules, maybe a satchel or two to carry the herbs I’ll collect.” She placed one long finger across the side of her muzzle and thought for a second on things she may need, “Oh, and if you have any books, I would like to see your selction. But I know those can be rare, so I won't get my hopes up in that.”

She turned her focus upon Amy, “we can make a contract for trade after you show me your selection of what I asked for, that is if you have any of what I ask for.” She offered the dog a friendly grin, “when I see what selection you have, we’ll come up with what I can offer in trade for those said items.”

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Table by Sorin. Original codes by Tears, Bones, and Desire. Photo credits: flickr

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