The meaning of trade

OOC: / WC: 274

Deirdre smiled a soft grin, “No.” She stated calmly turning her wild gray orbs upon the female dog, “I’ll just take the satchel for now.” She continued, “I am sure I can find herbs on my own to start with, and if we were to meet again.” She smirked, “Maybe then I will trade my services for more goods.” She eyed the female and then bowed her head softly in respect toward the female, “If we will, I would like to start writing up that contract, for I do not believe voicing our contract has strong bonds to keep it in play.”

She then sighed, “You will have to write it however.” She began as she kept a steady eye upon the other female. “I can only write in runic script and I do not believe you can read it.” She began, “I can read however, the old human writing. Which I believe is the common writing the most humanized Luperci use?” She was assuming much, for she had not been socializing with others of her changed kin and did not know of what writing they were using, if any. She had assumed that it was the common human writing that she had seen in books her adopted father had taught her to read from and only hoped that she was right, and that writing was the kind other Luperci used when and if they wrote.

The female wolf offered the other female a sly smirk as she continued to speak, “If it is alright I would like to draft up two contracts, one for me to hold on to and one for you.”

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Table by Sorin. Original codes by Tears, Bones, and Desire. Photo credits: flickr

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