The meaning of trade

OOC: ^^ Woot children! Big Grin OMG she loves children, so if you throw them on her….she may at first think that Amy was crazy, but then she may actually try to save them…atleast one, if they all died on her haha it would make her feel horriable. If there is a boy can I have one? Lol. / WC: 340

As the contract was slid to her, her gray gaze lowered and begun to read the written contract. She tilted her head slightly to the right as she read it, I thought it would have more words… She thought as she read over it for a third time. She sighed, I’ll have to make sure when I start using these- Her mind rambled on as began she to sign. Like she had told Amy, her writing ability was limited to that of runes, unable to write in the common writing the she wolf lowered the writing tool to the contract and begun to construct rune symbols that would spell out her name.

Dagaz, Isa, Raido, Dagaz, Raido, and Ansuz. She ticked off the runes that would spell her name as she wrote them. As the last of the runes were drawn out the wolf then lowered the tip of her writing tool beneath the runic structure and then scribbled a horrible attempt of her name in the normal means of writing. The she wolf’s ears flew back against her skull as she looked down at her common writing style. “I must apologize,” she begun as she turned her gaze to Amy, and then began to slip from her hip her knife. The blade went effortlessly to the inside of her arm as her voice continued to speak. “I’ve written more in runes then I have in the common writing,” she laughed and sliced a small cut across her arm. Moving her arm above the paper she clutched her fingers and tightened her arm muscles. “It’s a lot easer to begin with,” blood droplets splatter against the paper. “Despite probably being the only person who can read runes, they’ve helped me a lot…” The wolf laughed again as she pulled her arm away from the paper and lowered it to her side, “I’ve written, horribly if I may add, my name beneath the rune version of it.” She turned her gaze to Amy, “I hope you don’t mind, it’s just assurance.”

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Table by Sorin. Original codes by Tears, Bones, and Desire. Photo credits: flickr

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