Bullets catch in her teeth
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This was probably the best the two older Hughes had ever slept, aside from Leon's growing pain during the night as he rested, tossing and turning until he moved away from the three younger pups in his unrest, while he was unconscious. He was only about a foot away from the three; Trigger was curled around the two babies and the two littermates were huddled together, huddled next to that stupid doll. He groaned and moaned quietly as he lay there, his expression growing contorted as the pain in his side intensified. He didn't wake, though, and continued to sleep through it for the next hour or so. It was about ten minutes after Sophie had awoken and adventured out of the den that he started to come to. While he was asleep and only a few moments after she had tucked Bug into his grasp, he had pulled the doll onto his chest. When he woke up, the dark, beady eyes and stitched mouth were staring him straight in the face. Needless to say, he woke up so startled he nearly piddled a little.

"FFffff, aghfhdfhs!!" He sat up sharply, tossing the sand-filled doll across the den before he let out a grunt, his eyes slammed shut, his lips pulled back into a grimace and he leaned forward, wrapping an arm around his stomach and placing his hand on the stab wound at his side. Oh, dear sweet lord, that hurt. He felt a growing warmth in the spot he held his hand over, and then a wetness. He moved his hand away to see he'd opened up his wound. He bit his lip and closed his eyes again, attempting to will away the soreness and pain from his wounds, as well as the reappearance of the deep, intensely uncomfortable pain of the wound in his side, which he severely aggravated by sitting up so quickly.

After a few minutes of that, he finally opened his eyes again and looked toward Trigger and Boothe, who managed to sleep through his startled awakening. He hadn't been that loud to begin with, so he was relieved to see they were still sound asleep, though bothered to not find little Sophie in the den. He cautiously and carefully moved over to one of his bags and pulled out a jacket and his scarf and put those on, still very careful of his side, and crawled out of the den. It took him a moment to stand straight, as his body wanted to stay hunched over for fear of causing himself more pain, but he managed. He easily spotted the brown, black and cream youth and gently woofed to her before approaching, clenching his side but not allowing his discomfort to show on his face. "What're you doin' up so early, hon? Are y'okay?" He grunted concernedly, tilting his head at her.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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