Escape Artist

Jace carefully picked up her sleeping daughter within her arms. The girl barely even stirred, her adventures for the day had tired her out thoroughly. She stepped over the board that was supposed to be keeping them in and the sound of claws scrabbling met her ears. Honrin stumbled back out of the way of her foot and the female halted her progress to make sure she didn't stand upon her young son. He didn't speak at all, simply wagged his tail and Jace returned the soft beat of tan. She pulled her other leg over the board and Honrin walked at her side back towards the others, Pandora opening her amber eye lazily before rolling onto her back as Jace settled Dalgina back down amongst them.

Honrin made his way to besides Pandora and the girl turned into him with a contented sigh, drifting back off into her sleep. Jace herself shifted forms to her lupus and curled her body around them all as best she could with their ever increasing size, a soft murr coming from her may as her tail swayed back and forth lightly. The female settled into her slumber quietly, sure in the knowledge that her children were as safe as could be inside this room.

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