Repetition Geographic
OOC: I'm sorry too :/ Stuff and life and things... but its all better now. I made it go away. Big Grin Words: 488

The turf was very soft where it edged the ridge, and it was comfortable here, swinging her rather long legs over the edge, nothing but air below them for quite a way. She loosed one of her necklaces, on a plaited leather cord with colourful silks wound round a dreamcatcher pendant. The binding was only half done, and she began to intone a soft humming beneath her breath as she continued to weave the colours into the necklace. It would make a fine gift for her host, in return for all his generosity. She would have preferred something to make more of an impact, but she had very little by way of material with her, but maybe in time she would come up with the goods. For now, she just hoped he would appreciate the hours she had put into this item, and she had a feeling that he was the kind of guy who wouldn't turn his nose up at a nicely done piece of jewellery.

Her gaze was so intently upon it that it was some time before she noticed somebody had come with subtlety up behind her along the ridge, but when she heard the gentle cough she pushed aside her luxuriant fringe and peered over at the stranger. "Oh, hey there," she greeted with a soft and welcoming grin, laid-back as usual while in the middle of something creative. "Real good actually thank you, and you?" she continued in answer to his pleasantry, but the normality-laden exchange was cut short by a sudden interjection from the hawk, wings flapping briefly almost right in Caprica's face. For a companion animal, it was surprisingly disparaging. Caprica stuck out her chin reprovingly at the bird. "Some friend!" she snorted. "Does she always make your first impressions so... impressive?" She laid down her handiwork, feeling a little sorry for the wolf. He was clearly a little shy and maybe self-conscious about his unusual, but she was sure he wasn't as silly or stupid as the hawk made out. In fact, he was pretty well-built with a certain rugged-ness about him, and the effect was only heightened by the scars and those distinctive eyes. Caprica leant back to rest her weight on her hands behind her with feet still idly kicking over the ridge's rim, and tilted a smiling face up at his slightly-embarrassed expression, groaning into a hand. "So I'm Caprica, anyway, and you must be Leichi... I've heard so much about you!" she added playfully, of course all she'd heard was from the mouth of his bird... but why not pretend his name had reached her ears some other way? For a start, it would probably annoy the hawk a little, and Caprica wasn't above a little mischievious teasing, which Timmy definitely deserved.


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