Leave a horse to water

Word Count ::519 Points::5 OOC::

There it was, in the form of a not so great conjured statement. What was on his mind would have eaten slowly eaten him from the inside out had he left it unmanaged and bottled up inside. It felt like a huge relief to just say it, like taking a hundred pounds off his already pretty well weighted body. Putting it out there like he did he imagined the worse in return from her, scaring her off, and having her not at least wishing to be his friend would be his worst nightmare come true. He carefully watched her, his icy blues never leaving her for any second. To the male she looked hesitant about his words, they seemed to cause her stop and think. Apparently his words made her feel special, but in turn she asked if that meant that he didn’t like any of the others. That hadn’t been the case, if that was how he made it sound. Not liking the others wasn’t the issue, he liked them, but this like that he felt toward the other packmates was more of a common appreciation or respect of sorts. The like that he felt for Caprica was more than mutual respect or common courtesy. With the others he didn’t feel the need or want to go out of his way to get to know them or be around them. Concerning the female crafter, he was genuinely interested in her. The male wanted to get to know her, she seemed unique and it made him wonder about her.

The half and half began to think he may have come off too strong too fast. The D’Angelo said she owed the Dasa more alcohol, and that those sorts of compliments didn’t come cheap. She slid the bottle toward him, he caught it by the neck of the color tinted glass. He shrugged taking the wine he poured another mug full; he’d had two why not three? The alcohol hadn’t affected him in the slightest yet, unfortunate, it’d be easy to blame what he said on the liquor, too late now. In his head he thought too himself that there shouldn’t be a price for a kind of compliment. Mido felt stupid and rash by just saying what was on his mind and not filtering it out. Caprica I’m sorry. I’m young, stupid and ignorant. You’re attractive and you seem nice, talented, and unique, I’m just very interested in you. I just said what was on my mind and I probably shouldn’t have. He was by far not the wisest of mutts. Just please tell me I didn’t chase you off at least. It might have already been too late. He was trying to move too fast, and not taking the proper steps required in any form relationship. Everybody needed time and chance to actually get to know somebody, he needed to slow down and be realistic. He pushed the bottle away from him, out of his reach so he would get any more. He may drink what was in his hand but he wasn’t going to chance getting intoxicated.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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