Leave a horse to water

Word Count ::507 Points::5 OOC:: Alright now you can end it if you want, it just seemed like so much fun. Calling him out like you did... And yes we need to have another thread some time. XD

The dark colored D’Angelo asked the multicolored mix if he thought she deserved to be a princess. Honestly she was really great at asking questions that weren’t the easiest to answer. He didn’t have to think to hard about it. He was about to give her an honest answer, his mouth was open ready to speak when she stopped him by saying he didn’t have to answer her, and that she didn’t want to know. That was fine by him, he was going tell her that he thought she could be a princess. The Huskadore had read his fair share of literature including texts that were about royalty. Not all the princesses in the books he read were perfect in any way; some of them were trouble makers or just plain friggin crazy. Personally he thought that anyone who was “perfect” was boring; there was no depth to these individuals. But the female crafter didn’t want to know she claimed that she was too sensitive. Mido had to turn and look away from her; he tried to hide his smile and amusement from her. Her comment amused him, he didn’t know her well; but she definitely didn’t seem like she couldn’t handle it. Something about him that he just could never help, he was blunt about things especially with questions. He looked back to Caprica, having successfully hid his smile and amusement from her. I think you could be a Princess. But that’s just my opinion. He answered her anyway. The half and half raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

It was like the nightly colored woman had gotten an attitude concerning his comment. All he said was that he would never chase her away. She hit her mug on the table’s surface, crossed her arms and nearly got in his face. She asked if he wouldn’t then exclaimed she would like to see him try. He was officially confused, and the alcohol was not helping his thought process. He thought he said he wouldn’t, but maybe he said he would; he could no longer remember what he originally said to her. Upon closer inspection she wasn’t small by any means, she had some considerable definition to her. He probably was incapable of picking her up and throwing her like he had with some other female canine who he’d sparred with. She told him he was on and they should spar sometime. He was definitely under the influence, but he wasn’t trashed yet, but they were well on their way there. Mido was in shock, his mouth hung wide open he just looked at her with bewilderment and excitement. Boy? Spar? You chase me off?! Oh, time and place Caprica, I’ll take you on whenever you want! The female got him fired up, though they wouldn’t do it here and now, not in the kitchen, everything would be destroyed. Sparring with her never came across his mind, probably because he generally didn’t associate the kitchen with getting physical, there’s always a first time for everything though.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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