[M]- The Pyramids
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
WC: 388

OOC: Test driving future character. Set in Ancient Egypt.

IC: What convinced her father to send her to Egypt was beyond her. Well actually it wasn’t. So what if she slept with a few of his guards? Her father said it was because she was sacred and only for the nobles but he had no right to declare who would be able to use her body. Fatin was definitely not happy with her father. All she had to bring with her was her horse, clothes, and guard. Though in Egypt she could get into trouble without her father knowing, or caring.

So a few months ago he had sent her from her home and to an Egyptian pharaoh. Of course her mother was Egyptian so she already knew the language, religion, and culture. But it was the thought that she was upset about, not where she was going. She even believed in the Egyptian gods instead of her own. Her guard, Asad, would travel with her until they reached the palace and then probably head home. Which was a shame since he did have a nice body.

As they approached Thebes, she couldn’t help but be in awe of her surroundings. It made her home look like a dump. And the pyramids! She had always heard stories from her mother about how amazing they were and her mother was under exaggerating. Those things from a far were huge and majestic so one must be even better close up. Even if she hated the man she was too marry, or whatever he decided to do with her, the sights alone more than made up for it.

As they pulled up to shore, she tried to spot this pharaoh amongst the men but he was nowhere to be seen. There were guards and they told Asad to leave since they had her from here. People stared as the many guards led her to the palace where the pharaoh was awaiting. She entered and caught a glimpse of him but then remembered her place and kept her head down and eyes in front of her. She approached the throne and kept her eyes on his feet. ”My lord, Imhotep, my father sends you his daughter to be of service to you and concrete an alliance between the two of you.” She then awaited his decision on what to do with her.

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