Burdening thoughts
Hai Big Grin How did SSWM go for you?


Rio Marino
Hello, hello its only me.
I'm everything you can't control.

The words Caprica said made sense. He was dead now, there was nothing to be done about what had happened, and there wasn’t a real reason why Rio was feeling this way about Harlowe, all of a sudden. They didn’t have a great relationship, and Rio suddenly realized she was pitying a man that she hardly knew. Sure, he was her brother, and sure they were related- but why was she feeling so much remorse for a dead stranger? He damaged her delicate soul, that’s why. He was her brother, that’s why- and no matter how you slice it, they were still family and there was that family bond that held him close to her. The questionable thought that scared her the most was- with having that ‘family bond’, did that mean she was closer to getting the disease that drove him up the wall? Rio feared she would soon turn out like that, and she felt strongly about this because his actions pushed her in that direction, closer to insanity.

Rio disagreed entirely with Caprica, which made her lift her head from her knees, and speak and look frontwards. ”Just because he’s dead, doesn’t mean he’s not our brother anymore.” That was something she felt strongly about, ”When Mom dies, does that mean she won’t be our mother anymore? No, it’ll just mean that she’s not with us anymore, but it won’t change the fact that she had once birthed us.” Then she put her head back between her knees, and listened to Caprica’s calm, inviting voice and feeling her hand comb through what hair wasn’t consumed by mane. It calmed her overwhelmed nerves a little.

It was too late. It had been too late since Rio returned. Why couldn’t she have come back a little sooner? Maybe while Harlowe was still alive...? Then maybe she could’ve solved her issues, but then again as many had said before- he was clawing at the edges of sanity at that point, so maybe something worse would’ve happened to her when she went to confront him. The thought made her a little thankful that that option wasn’t available to her anymore because she was a little bit impulsive. She would’ve went to him without giving it much thought, and then probably would have walked away with bigger problems on her paws than the pending ones now.

”Sorry to burden you with this shit, but I need someone to listen, if it will help. And thanks for lending an ear,” her voice was muffled from being between her legs, but it was clear enough to be understood. She hated keeping what she felt bottled up inside of her, but she also didn’t trust anyone enough to tell them. She was happy Caprica had come back because she was the only one that Rio felt comfortable telling her inside issues to. Her mother was different, and she felt that she probably wouldn’t understand the way Caprica would, but then again Caprica wouldn’t understand what she felt the way someone else, who had been through the same bullshit, might. A good cry would definitely help, but Rio didn’t feel it enough to actually get her sadness out. One day it would overwhelm her and pour out of her, and then hopefully she will feel better.

Word Count :: #550 // Points :: 5

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