you are my hated enemy


The male had them in sight they were so close that he could almost taste the gummy meat, however it was a different taste then what he normally had. Then they woke up, his plane was spoiled and he was now fighting off two furry cats. Cats, they where so girly. They came in so many different colors and some about that were girly, and then when you add in that there was more than one that this being owned the male knew it was a female. The male foolishly assumed that the female was a wolf, after all most of these lands where over powered with the smell of wolf, then really it should be a coyote haven.
Watching them move madly out of the tree the male snarled more angered. The coyote wolf male moved down carefully, watching as his meal left him, and then it came the earth brown she coyote opened her mouth and called for the cats. Oh god no, was she coyote living in a pack of wolves? She was willing to taint her pureness by being around them? Oh she needs to have a talk to, he would not and could not hurt her, she was within the blood line and purity levels that male known there was no questioning her back around, unlike his.

Looking at the brown coyote he could not find much as the way of words to say, he was more stunned then anything that there she stood a full blooded coyote. ”You’re a rare sight.” The male looked at her trying to figure her out, how she was able to stand there and be so cool. The male also was trying to figure out why most of her scent was of wolves. Why would she taint her wonderful scent with those of something of so low brain functioning as that of a wolf? It blew his mind, it really did.


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