If you ever leave me baby,

I couldn't resist another Jacinto/Omni thread Big Grin set in his room (which I still has to claim) around 10:00 am, I powerplayed her waking up and in sorry, I can change it for you. Starts in a dream, (psst the attacker is supposedly Omni's ex...Had a moment of psychic energy...lol)  

His assailant had him cornered, Jacinto was pressed against a wall, his attacker smiled wickedly flashing deadly ivory teeth in his direction, at first the hybrid was certain it was his brother Columbine, but that couldn't be right. Columbine had a different air, not like this. This was just sadistic. "Don't touch me.  I warn you." The stranger laughed, but not in a good way. It wasn't right, dangerous. "You? Hurt me? No way." The stranger leapt at him, teeth bared in a snarl and claws spread for cutting into flesh. The hybrid jumped away just in time before he was hurt, twisting out of reach. A piece of wood was sitting a few yards away, he grabbed it quickly and smashed it over the canine's head. The corner of the canine's muzzle caved in and he found himself running, and straight into his family. For a moment the male was frightened, seeing them all including Leticia and Kerberos. His parents, and one was passed away. He stared dumbfounded, until they all reached for him. He stepped back nervously before walking into their arms. For a moment there was peace, but it didn't last long. Jacinto woke up confused and lonely. He glanced to the non-vacant spot beside him and breathed in relief that Omni was still there.

The russet hybrid was having a few unpleasant dreams as of late, feeling guilty for many things that he had managed to mess up in his life, his relationship with Helotes was dwindling, the one with Columbine was already gone. The Lykoi sought to create some type of truce with his larger brother, trying to revive something already dead. Jacinto didn't know where Ilusion was, if his beautiful sister was dead it would be his fault. The hybrid Infernian sat up awake, the only audible sounds were of Omni's peaceful breathing. She looked beautiful in sleep, (although to him she was beautiful all the time) her dark hair fell in silky waves around her body creating a darkened halo ringing her hair, her fur golden proving  her the appearance of a brass angel. The younger woman didn't know about his unrest, but it wouldn't help for her to know anyway.

Jacinto's caramel fingers longed to reach out and touch her face, enable that irresistible contact that he couldn't help but enable to feel warm and fuzzy inside. The bright light of morning came in from an old window, blinding but reminding the orange-splashed male that another day had dawned. He dare not wake his lover, Omni looked too rested and pure in sleep. Rising carefully from the bed, Jacinto went to rekindle the fire. The days were getting much more of a decrease in temperature sooner, it would be smart to keep warm. He shivered and rubbed his hands together to warm him, the bed was probably the warmest place in the room having shared body heat the entire night. Glancing back, Omni still hadn't awakened from her sleep. He set the rusted kettle over the fire and went back to the bed to wait for it to boil. He pulled the covers up over his chest and leaned over to place an affectionate lick over her muzzle.

The smallish man wished to write a song for her, produce some sort of music to go along with her. His fingers twitched, he ignored the strong temptation to reach for his guitar and strum his heart out for her. He watched as she stirred, fluttering her striking azure eyes open to glance over at him. A smile spread across his lips, "Good morning." Finally, his fingers gently extended to stroke her face while he gently said "I made some tea for you love. Breakfast? I can make you some." She was so beautiful, so perfect. No matter what others thought, She could bring him to his knees in a single heartbeat, so many sacrifices he could make for her. "How was your sleep?" Jacinto asked softly, if this situation was reversed, he wouldn't look as peaceful as she in rest. It had the Lykoi wondering if he had struggled in his covers, kicked at her body."Hey Omni. I love you." The mixed blood smiled playfully, before pulling her body to his own in a loving embrace.

Jacinto Lykoi

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