slightly intoxicated
The red liquid swished around the bottle as erratically as the hand that held it. The music was playing and his spirits where in a rather good mood. While his mate was off probably flirting with some unknown male, he had decided to just leave her be. If he let his jealously fester he wouldn’t let anyone near her. Plus she was more than capable of handling herself, and if she needed him all she need do was call. In the end he wasn’t that far away, his eyes always silently finding her beautiful form. For now he’d let others have their fun, but as time wore on he’d come sweeping in to claim her. The wine was seeing to his mood, a rather excited mood to be quite honest. Thoughts of his X’y filling his already soaked brain to a point he rather absently thought he was quite drunk already.

Saluce still wore the plated steel armor, lounging in a rather big chair, looking across the dirt dance floor, his memory taking him back to southern England. There the dances where indoors and the music of much better quality, along with the extravagant dresses and suits, all wolves trying to behave like the humans before them. Back then he had known how to play a piano, something he guessed he’d never see in this part of the world.

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